
Recruit the right person


We're looking forward to the new blood. There are career development opportunities and stages, so that you and the company grow together - "jointly participate, co-create, jointly improve, and share", we will provide employees with a broad personal development space, a vibrant corporate culture, a good working and training environment! CANADA EIGHT FUN has always attached importance to the development and training of talents, and we are committed to providing these outstanding talents with first-class training, broad space to display their talents and long-term career development opportunities.


CANADA EIGHT FUN's goal: to be the most valuable industry information integration service provider

CANADA EIGHT FUN 's mission: to enable customers to easily enjoy high-value information services in the new era of mobile Internet.

CANADA EIGHT FUN 's responsibility: to build the most effective mobile Internet products and application service system, so that people can truly enjoy the fun of information

CANADA EIGHT FUN purpose: Grow in happiness!